How to Care for your Paintings


Caring for your painting may involve a bit more than first imagined.

 Experts recommend a dust-free environment. If you have a room dedicated to your collection of artwork, even better. However, not realistic for the everyday, cozy living, pet friendly, and plant lovers like us.

Most of us buy art to hang it in our living rooms, bedrooms and even kitchens. I have paintings hanging in every room of my home and they look amazing, even after many decades.

 If your painting ever requires cleaning, I say, leave it to the professionals! Everything else we can handle by following this list of advice given by conservators and art curators.  Read more

Colors Influence Your Mood

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Feel like changing your frame of mind for the better? Buy a colorful painting.

I am not kidding 🙂 There are tons of articles in the Internet talking about how color influence our mood.

Think about it. How does the thought of opening a yellow umbrella on a rainy day makes you feel? Uplifting, isn’t it?

Besides, haven’t we all used phrases like “feeling blue” or “green with envy” to express our emotions and “white lie” or “golden opportunity” to express action?

This is testimony how powerful color is.  So, go ahead, fill your life with color and make your day brighter.

Adding the Finishing Touches


How do I know when a painting is done?

Well, for me is all about feeling. As I go through the motions of applying each color, little by little layers are built on top of each other, revealing the work of art.

In other words, the harmony created by motion and color speaks to my heart letting me know to put down the brush.

The picture above shows part of a big painting measuring 50 x 100 inches.

By the way, you may also follow me on Instagram at art_by_awapara

Painting: Under the Blue Light

It took me a while to finish this piece, but it is finally here.

It’s funny how each piece takes its own course. This one took a while, and lots of changes. I took so many pictures that I was able to create a video, with all these frames.

Below is a wonderful poem written by Wendell A Brown, one of my dear friend of the web-sphere. You should go check his blog. He wrote it specially for this post. His words are a blessing to the world. Many thanks Wendell!

There was a certain air of confidence every where
The moment I began to feel his eyes embrace
I knew that this would be a fantastic piece
As I felt the soothing energy alive within his face
There actually was a surprisingly shy moment
Where he let his guard down allowing me to see
That though his image seemed so very perfect
I begin to feel a genuine and selfless humanity
One would see this painting when its finished
They would surmise that it showed so much more
But in the moments which  the creative spirit flowed
There was really one thing he let me know for sure
That He only agreed to sit down and let me paint him
Understanding within me there was a genuine real need
To capture this side of his truly gentle  wonderful spirit
Because he saw he could not hide his truth from me
That through the  gorgeous smile and handsome looks
I could see the true charade played with others each day
And he wanted to finally end his daily ruse with  life
Letting his seemingly perfect self slip so very far away.