Painting: Under the Blue Light

It took me a while to finish this piece, but it is finally here.

It’s funny how each piece takes its own course. This one took a while, and lots of changes. I took so many pictures that I was able to create a video, with all these frames.

Below is a wonderful poem written by Wendell A Brown, one of my dear friend of the web-sphere. You should go check his blog. He wrote it specially for this post. His words are a blessing to the world. Many thanks Wendell!

There was a certain air of confidence every where
The moment I began to feel his eyes embrace
I knew that this would be a fantastic piece
As I felt the soothing energy alive within his face
There actually was a surprisingly shy moment
Where he let his guard down allowing me to see
That though his image seemed so very perfect
I begin to feel a genuine and selfless humanity
One would see this painting when its finished
They would surmise that it showed so much more
But in the moments which  the creative spirit flowed
There was really one thing he let me know for sure
That He only agreed to sit down and let me paint him
Understanding within me there was a genuine real need
To capture this side of his truly gentle  wonderful spirit
Because he saw he could not hide his truth from me
That through the  gorgeous smile and handsome looks
I could see the true charade played with others each day
And he wanted to finally end his daily ruse with  life
Letting his seemingly perfect self slip so very far away.

Painting: Happy Flamingo

I didn’t start early today, but at least I finished a painting.

I have wanted to paint a flamingo for a while. In fact, even make a bunch of paintings about it, like a theme. After completing this one, I want to do it.

I thought of doing it in acrylic, but fate intervened 😀

Actually, I believe we choose our path, but sometimes it feels that it is fate.

I went to the store this morning to get a new tube of Titanium white acrylic paint, because mine was gone. My first thought was to paint a white background for the flamingo to pop. I will do it on the next one. However, when I got back home, I realized that I had bought a tube of oil paint. I could have gone back to the store to exchange it, but i didn’t feel like it. Here is where I chose my path… so, I used oils instead! 😀

At the end, I don’t regret it. I like it much more when I use oils.

Have a wonderful night and thanks for visiting! 😀

Painting: 30 in 30 – Day 24

Hectic, is the perfect word to describe my day.

I still have tons of things to do, but I made time to paint and to say hello and thank you all for your well wishes yesterday. I really appreciate the support.

Which, by the way, went amazing! I met so many fellow artists. We spent hours talking about art!!! and shared tips and ideas. We also did the interviews. I was a bit nervous, but at the end I made it through alive!! 😀 We’ll know for sure how I did after the release day, which is after the event  😦

For today painting, I decided to work on the Sail Boat, which was something I thought I finished, but I felt the ocean water, clift and boat where to dark. So, I worked on the colors and tried to loosen my brush strokes, but after I uploaded the picture, I wanted to change a few more things. For now, this will have to do… heehee

I will talk to you later (or maybe tomorrow :D)

Thanks for visiting!

Painting: 30 in 30 – Day 22

I started painting about noon! So, I am surprised that I am all done.

Maybe, it is the incentive that Rob is taking me out to eat Choros a la Chalaca. It is a Peruvian dish, which I love!!! Imagine, a half a dozen cooked muscles, topped with ton of raw red onions, dressed up with lime, tomatoes and cilantro. If you’re the adventurous type, I highly recommend it. The reason for my excitement is that we rarely go to Peruvian restaurants. He is not too fond our food… heehee, but I love him anyway!!

Day 22 painting: oil on gessoboard, 5 x 7.

Have a wonderful Sunday! I am out the door!

PS. I forgot to sign it… Just noticed! I will do it later 😀