How to Care for your Paintings


Caring for your painting may involve a bit more than first imagined.

 Experts recommend a dust-free environment. If you have a room dedicated to your collection of artwork, even better. However, not realistic for the everyday, cozy living, pet friendly, and plant lovers like us.

Most of us buy art to hang it in our living rooms, bedrooms and even kitchens. I have paintings hanging in every room of my home and they look amazing, even after many decades.

 If your painting ever requires cleaning, I say, leave it to the professionals! Everything else we can handle by following this list of advice given by conservators and art curators.  Read more

Adding the Finishing Touches


How do I know when a painting is done?

Well, for me is all about feeling. As I go through the motions of applying each color, little by little layers are built on top of each other, revealing the work of art.

In other words, the harmony created by motion and color speaks to my heart letting me know to put down the brush.

The picture above shows part of a big painting measuring 50 x 100 inches.

By the way, you may also follow me on Instagram at art_by_awapara

Painting: We Forgot the Umbrella under the Storm

I was looking at some of the pictures we took the weekend at the beach. We had lots of fun, but there were a few storms that surprised us, one of which, we forgot the umbrella at the beach. That is why I decided to title this painting just that.

I placed below my interpretation of the photo. I wanted to focus all my attention in the umbrella, that is why I did not include anything else. Besides, the painting is just 8 x 10 in, so I felt it would look clutter.

Photo by me

By the way, this painting is open for bidding. Just click on the picture. It will take you to DWP site.

Thank you for stopping by.